If you are using campus Wi-Fi, simply clicking the links to resources within this subject guide should take you directly to the resource without having to login. There are a few exceptions, including:
When you try to access resources off-campus, you'll be presented with a login screen. For most databases, your credentials are based on the following:
Username: Campus-wide ID
PIN: Date of birth in MMYY format (someone born December 2000 would enter 1200)
LexiDrug and Facts and Comparisons: These databases have a separate login that's different from your Username/PIN, but only for off-campus access. Email the pharmacy librarian for login credentials.
If you are attempting to login to OVID, SciFinder, StatRef, or UpToDate, these have different login methods.
For assistance with accessing databases as a preceptor, please contact Karin Ryan, the Program Director of Experiential Education (kryan@ulm.edu)