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If we do not have what you are looking for, try making an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request! ILL is a free service that lets currently enrolled ULM students, faculty, and staff borrow materials from other libraries. You can request journal articles, books, conference papers and more! Visit ILL to learn more.
While Google Scholar may not be the only place you go for your research needs, it can be a great resource when browsing your topic or looking for a specific article!
There are multiple ways you can find articles.
Search EBSCO Discovery to search most of ULM's databases simultaneously. There are multiple ways to use EBSCO Discovery: find the closest EBSCO Discovery search box in this research guide, visit the ULM Library website, or check out the A to Z database list. You can find many resources searching this way that you may have missed if you had only used a single database, but make sure to apply filters to your search to narrow your results or you might end up with a very long, overwhelming list!
Search databases individually to focus your search to a specific subject area. You can select recommended databases from the list below or visit the A to Z Database list to discover more. The downside of this method is that because individual databases have a targeted focus, you may miss some unique perspectives that other databases may have to offer.
Search individual journals to focus on the contents of one journal at a time. Click here to search for journals by title or browse publications by subject. Researching this way is a great option for when you need to use a specific journal, but because individual journals are usually more specialized, this method can greatly limit the type of viewpoints you are likely to see.
EBSCO Discovery allows you to search most of our databases at the same time. Searching this way can help you find books, articles, reviews, and more. If you find your search comes back with too many results, make sure to use the filters found on the left side panel narrow your choices!
You can access EBSCO Discovery in three ways:
Click here for more database recommendations!
Credo Reference is a general reference solution for learners and librarians. Offering 551 hundred highly-regarded titles from over 70 publishers; Credo General Reference covers every major subject. Credo Reference is an online reference service made up of full-text books from the world's best publishers. It's a great source to consult when trying to determine a topic for your research paper.
The following tabs contain an alphabetical list of recommended journals. This is not an exhaustive list. In fact, ULM offers access to thousands of journals!
Selecting a title on this list will allow you to search within that specific journal. If you prefer to search for journals by title or to browse by discipline, click here.